Sunday 3 January 2016

A monster calls Teaser

Here is the international teaser from the movie i´m working on nowadays.
Liam Neeson,Sigourney Weaver,Felicity jones...
Keep an eye on it! it will be talked about...


Friday 21 August 2015


Today i´m feeling so glad that the Animation mentor team liked the Game of thrones episode i worked on enough to conduct this interview about the animation process for this awesome t.v. series.
So if you want to learn how we made it,here is the answer!:

Juan Ramón Pou: From Animation Mentor to Game of Thrones

Friday 10 July 2015

Capture the flag trailer

Recently i had the chance to work on Capture the flag, an animation feature film by Lightbox Entertainment.Animating these characters and Nasa space men it´s been such a great experience and an accomplished dream. Hope you all stop by the Spanish cinemas this summer(2016 for international release),take a seat and enjoy the show cause this company,Lightbox entertainment it´s going to make a lot of noise...

Hard home

Finally Game Of Thrones Season 5 is out and I can say i have been so lucky to take part on one of the most successful and thrilling Episodes: Hardhome.
I have contributed to the show as character animator and it´s been a great experience sharing the last five months among super talented people at El Ranchito Vfx.
and here is our Baby!:

Monday 13 January 2014

Wednesday 8 January 2014

The fastest man alive

"My name is Wally West.I live in this cruddy little apartment with my mom.They call me Flash,cause i can run fast,really fast."
-Wallace West

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Still Alive

Here is my version of  Chell from Portal i´ve been working on recently due to the incredibly amount of hours i have dedicated to this masterpiece game in the past.
if you haven´t play it yet, go run and get a copy!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Watch your curves!

That´s what happens when you try to ride your animation like a boss.So remember to watch your curves!

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Eagle Marin

It´s been said that Seiya Wouldn´t be that powerful without Marin´s training.
So this is my lil homage to those who have ever realized we are as we are thanks to what we  learned from our teachers,/masters.


Thursday 17 October 2013

Life Drawing

Today,while tidying up my stuff i´ve found some drawings i did at 2d animation course.
Our Professor, Mr.Pepe Sanchez pushed us a lot in these sessions,which i really loved.
 It´s so funny when we all look to the drawings we have done long time ago.They tend to look crappier and crappier...
If you are reading this,i´m sure you have experienced that too. But that Only means one thing:
We are improving.
 So here there are my Two minutes Sketches:

Friday 4 October 2013

Street Figther Homage

This is something i wanted to do since my childhood; Drawing a street fighter character and here it is,a bunch of years later... Cammy! ready to show you how to keep calm and carry on.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

I´m Back!

Yes, i haven´t no posted anything for a long time,but i´ve could get some time lately so i´ve come back to drawing and soon i´ll be posting all my new stuf so don´t forget to drop by here every other week and take a look!. This time i bring you my honest homage to Ninja turtles.N.Y is not like it was in the eighties,times have change,the city have become bigger,busier and more crowded,so i thought these guys would be more comfortable riding a bmx rather than a skate.Faster,smother and riskier!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

It´s not all about animation

And Mountain Biking is what i do to keep my mind sane after spending the week between Fcurves,keyframes,arcs and silhouettes.
hope you also find a cool way to fresh up your mind on weekends!

Sunday 13 February 2011

2010 Animation Mentor Reel W.I.P

These are some animations i have recently done at Animation Mentor,mixed up with some of my latest professional works.some AM shots are still W.I.P. A refining version it´s coming soon.

Any feedback is welcome!
thanks for watching :)


Sunday 14 November 2010

shaken not stirred

Here is a trailer of the last game i have been working on as freelance cutscenes animator for Eurocom Developments
The game is actually getting excellent critiques.
so i hope you enjoy playing it.Don´t forget the multiplayer mode which is pretty awesome!!

Monday 25 October 2010

it´s Out!

Finally a sample from the t.v Series i´m currently working on is Out.So we can just say now..."It´s Alive"!!!!

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Back to School

Finally i have come back to Class05 At Animation Mentor.this year it´s been a busy one but i have been able come back to get more wisdom!
so hopefully i will post some new anims soon.
until then, thanks for stopping by and have a nice summer!

Saturday 9 January 2010

Ice Age 3 Animations

Now,when the movie has ben released it´s time to show some works i have done at eurocom entertainment software for the Ice age -Dawn of the Dinosurs videogame lats year.
Hope you like it,any comments are welcome!:)

Friday 24 April 2009

Animation Mentor Body Mechanics Exercise

this is one of the body mechanics exercises i made in class two at Animation Mentor.

Mentor:Charles Alleneck

Wednesday 8 April 2009


Finnally,i'm proud to announce the last project i have been working on.
soon you will be able to check out the new crazy characters from this awesome franchise.
i have been responsible of in game animations and cutscenes,it's been a cool projet to work on.tons of fun,and a lot of new characters you will love!!

Relase date:June 2009(aprox)
Ps3,360,Wii and Pc.

Interview for

I have recently interviewed by an online videogames magacine.In this interview i talk about animation in videogames and feature movies i have worked and the principal differences and similarities between both process.i hope you enjoy it!.(in spanish,so far...)

Saturday 11 October 2008

Hi,this is my seccond happy mistake...
i moved form spain to u.k and some of my stuff has left there,my sketchbook,my comic books and my blue pencils...

but it's been a happy mistake cause now i'm starting to draw again,every
week we have a life drawing session at work, which is great,so i'll
upload some new sketches soon...

meanwhile,i have brought some drawings i could rescue,they are a bit old,but here they are,hope you enjoy them!

Anatomy study

The real cuban papito!

Skate or die?

Morning beauty

The night belongs to them

981 West coast Spanish Hip Hop Band

Me!. 24/7 !!

Friday 10 October 2008

Ready to rock?

yes!,it's me!.i have kept some pictures of the last game i was working on ,my company made me a facial scan and they put me in to the game,so yes,i'm in the game!
do you want the gold?.Come and get it!
if you dare!!

My Animation Demo Reel,my first happy mistake

And this is my Hello World!

i'm Juan Ramon and i'm character animator.i'm from spain but i moved to u.k in 2007 where i'm working for a videogames company,my last work has been the olympics videogame Beijing 2008.where i worked as animator and where i'm as a athlete!!
now i'm working on a new cool unannounced project as keyframe will love it!!

An my previous works have been for a spanish movie company Dygrafilms where i learnt a lot and where i met a lot of great people too,so...
Here is my demo reel that shows my last works between 2005 and 2007,my most recents works are currently unavailable due to copyrights,but you will be able to check it out soon!!
hope you enjoy it!